HACA is one of five public housing agencies in the country recently chosen to receive a $40,000 one-year grant from the Corporation for Supportive Housing and Council of Large Public Housing Authorities, with funding provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, for a joint project with UnitedHealthcare Community & State
HACA was recently notified that the agency received two Southwest NAHRO Awards: Special Achievement by a Program Participant: Lupe Garcia, Santa Rita Courts Resident Council President Best Newsletter- Large Agency The Southwest NAHRO awards will officially be presented on June 27 during the Southwest NAHRO 78th Annual Conference in Little
HACA has earned a perfect score in this year’s Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) review, thus enabling it to maintain its U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defined status as a “High Performer,” a status it has maintained for more than 15 years. “To earn a perfect
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