HACA recently was presented with a generous grant from Texas Capital Bank that will bring needed money management training to participants in HACA’s Jobs Plus ATX program.
“This grant from the Texas Capital Bank is a wonderful opportunity for HACA to leverage the financial incentives available to residents through Jobs Plus,” said Jobs Plus ATX Project Director Barbara Jackson. “We will now be better able to help residents use their new earnings to set and achieve their personal and household financial goals.”
Jobs Plus ATX is a four-year U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development pilot program that connects residents at HACA’s Booker T. Washington Terraces and Chalmers Courts public housing properties with workforce resources.
The program is designed to help increase earned income and enhance employment outcomes. A unique feature of Jobs Plus ATX allows participants to freeze their rent amount while their earnings increase.
For many Jobs Plus participants, this may be the first time they will have access to discretionary funds, but with limited background on how to manage their money to facilitate and promote self-sufficiency.
The $10,000 grant from Texas Capital Bank will be used to contract with local organizations like Austin’s Economic Growth Business Incubator to give residents access to onsite tailored financial literacy services including credit counseling, debt reduction and money management during flexible hours.
Funds will also be used to purchase financial literacy software for Booker T. Washington Terraces and Chalmers Courts computer labs, offering residents the ability to continuously refresh their financial literacy skills and learning.
“Texas Capital Bank is proud to invest in programs like this that provide financial literacy learning opportunities for residents onsite,” said Effie Dennison, Senior Vice President and Director of Community Development and Corporate Social Responsibility for Texas Capital Bank. “This program will not only help residents learn financial management skills, but enhance their job opportunities to reach their goal of financial independence.”
Jobs Plus ATX has exceeded its first year goals for engagement, employment and participation in the program’s financial incentive. To date, 113 families have gone to work or increased their income, resulting in $183,176 in saved rent payments. In addition, 141 individuals have started new employment since the Jobs Plus ATX program began on July 1, 2016.
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