The annual and regular Board meetings are generally scheduled on the third Thursday of each month to be held at the Central Office or at various housing development sites. The Board of Commissioners may reschedule a meeting date/time to ensure a quorum is met or to address an urgent matter on an “as needed basis.” All meetings start at noon. Subject to change.
Public notices of all meetings of the Board of Commissioners shall be given in accordance with the requirements of the “Texas Open Meetings Act” (Texas Local Government Code, Section 551.01 et. al.), or any succeeding law relating to public notices of meetings of governmental bodies.
The Housing Authority of the City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disability Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to the communications will be provided upon request. Please call (512) 477-4488 ext. 2104 for information.
For Board Packets of each meeting, please see the year and month as listed below:
march, 2025
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