Thank you for your interest in the Housing Authority of the City of Austin. If you are a supplier of products, goods and/or services, HACA may have opportunities for you and your firm.
All Invitations for Bids (IFBs), Request for Proposals (RFPs), Request for Qualifications (RFQs), and all procurement actions are subject to HACA’s procurement policies and federal guidelines. HACA encourages the participation of Section 3 Businesses, Minority Business Enterprises and Women Business Enterprises in response to available contracts. Open formal bidding are advertised in the Public Notice section of local newspapers. Additionally, major construction project bid information is distributed to state and regional construction plan rooms, for broader outreach.
For more information visit HACA’s Section 3 Program page.
HACA is committed to providing a level playing field with regard to contracting and employment opportunities. All Invitations for Bids (IFBs) and Request for Proposals (RFPs) are subject to HACA’s procurement policies and federal guidelines. We have steadfastly developed strict guidelines when it comes to how we do business with vendors. We establish goals, evaluate bids and specifications to identify potential barriers to participation by Small Business Enterprises (SBEs), Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs), and Local Business Enterprises (LBEs), and monitor contracts to ensure that contractors meet their commitments to utilizing listed firms. HACA encourages the participation of Section 3 Businesses, Minority Business Enterprises and Women Business Enterprises in response to available contracts. By putting these guidelines in place and monitoring them we believe that all parties receive fair treatment and consideration, while ensuring competition and allowing us to maintain financial responsibility.
HACA’s vision of alleviating poverty is a catalyst to economic development and job creation. Section 3 of the HUD Act of 1968, requires that HUD funds be directed to low-income residents, particularly those who are recipients of government assistance of housing. It also requires that, to the greatest extent feasible, HUD funds be directed to low-income residents.
HACA’s Planning & Development Department manages the Capital Fund Program, using annual HUD funds to address major modernization projects, management improvements, emergency repairs, regulatory compliance, security improvements, and other repair needs outside the scope of routine maintenance.
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The HACA invoice system is relatively simple. To insure timely
payment, make sure you have followed the right steps.
First: All invoices should be 30-days net
Complaints may also be file with HUD, using form
HUD-958. The complaint must be received within
180 days from the date of the action upon which the
complaint is based.
The complaint must be filed at the regional HUD office where the violation occurred. For HACA and its contractors and subcontractors, this is the HUD Fort Worth Regional Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, 801 Cherry St., Unit #45, Suite 2500, Fort Worth, TX 76102.
The complaint must be in writing, signed by the complainant, and include the name and address of the person filing the complaint, name and address of the respondent (HACA or its contractor or subcontractor), and a description of the acts or omissions by the respondent of the nature and date of the alleged noncompliance.
HUD’s FHEO Department will determine if the complaint outlines an action or omission that is proven, qualifies as noncompliance with Section 3 requirements. If said determination is made, an investigator will be assigned the case and will contact both parties with further instructions.
ACA encourages Section 3 residents and Section 3 business concerns to submit their complaint directly to HACA as soon as possible after the date of action or omission; preferably no later than 90 days from the date of the action upon which the complaint is based in order to allow the complainant time to file with HUD if a satisfactory resolution isn’t reached. The following guidelines are used to investigate complaints:
The complaint may be filed via phone at (888) 842-4484, mailed certified or via other means of tracking, or delivered in person at 1124 S. IH 35, Austin, TX 78704.
The complaint must include the name and address of the person filing the complaint, name and address of the respondent (HACA or its contractor or subcontractor), and a description of acts or omissions by the respondent of the nature and date of the alleged noncompliance.
HACA will conduct a thorough investigation of the complaint, affording all interested parties an opportunity to submit testimony and/or evidence pertinent to the complaint. Upon completion of the investigation HACA will notify the complainant of the results of the investigation and any actions taken to resolve the complaint, if applicable
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