Download the HQS checklist.

Download the current HACA policy on Community Service and Self Sufficiency Requirements.

Recipients, developers, and contractors are required, to the extent feasible, to direct all employment opportunities to low- and very low-income persons- including seasonal and temporary employment opportunities. Employment goals are based on “new hires” which are defined as full-time employees for permanent, temporary or seasonal employment opportunities.

Recipients, developers, and contractors are encouraged to provide long-term employment.

The first step in renting your property to a Housing Choice Voucher participant is to review a property owner checklist and complete a rental listing form. The rental listing form allows the Housing Authority of the City of Austin to get information about your vacancy to advertise it to our clients who are moving. Once HACA posts your listing, clients will then contact you about renting your property. You will show them the property and conduct your normal screening process in selecting a tenant. If you decide to lease to an assisted client, they will give you their moving packet to complete, which includes some forms that will get you set up as a vendor in our program and an inspection form that allows HACA to come out and approve the property. For more information, contact the Landlord Outreach Specialist at

Call the Portability Counselor in the Housing Choice Voucher Department at (512) 477-1314 EXT 1342 or To fax information, send it to (512) 494-0686.

The waiting list is updated nightly on the Applicant Portal.

The Housing Authority of the City of Austin does not provide immediate housing. At this time the housing authority is accepting applications for the public housing program. Once an application is filled out, applicants are placed on a waiting list according to the date and time of their application, size of the unit for which they qualify (public housing only) and local preference for which they may qualify. For immediate temporary housing, please contact the Salvation Army.