The Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) is announcing a recent award of 242 Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV) from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Emergency Housing Voucher program will serve low-income individuals and families from the following eligible populations:
The Emergency Housing Voucher program regulations require housing authorities to receive referrals from the local Coordinated Entry System. Applicants must complete a Coordinated Assessment. For more information about the Coordinated Entry System and instructions for completing a Coordinated Assessment please click HERE.
For more information about the Emergency Housing Voucher program please visit HUD’s EHV web page at
All applicable nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements apply to the EHV program, including requirements that HACA grant reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities, effectively communicate with persons with disabilities, and ensure meaningful access for persons with limited English proficiency (LEP).
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