Pathways at North Loop Apartments: 2300 W. North Loop Blvd., Austin, TX 78756 Booker T. Washington Terraces: 905 Bedford St., Austin, TX 78702 Meadowbrook Apartments: 1201 W. Live Oak St., Austin, TX 78702 Si Usted está interesado en solicitar la lista de espera de cualquier de estas propiedades, por favor
Pathways @ North Loop 公寓 2300 W North Loop Blvd. Austin, TX 78756 Booker T. Washington Terraces 905 Bedford St. Austin, TX 78702 Meadowbrook 公寓 1201 W Live Oak St. Austin, TX 78702 如果您有意提交申请,请访问。 目前每个公寓都有申请人候补名单。 如需了解候补名单和每个公寓申请资格的信息,请访问。 North Loop 公寓的候补名单将于 2017 年 5 月 22 日中部时间下午 5:00 点关闭。 候补名单关闭后将不再接受新的申请。 如需合理帮助才能完成申请,请联系以下协调员。 奧斯汀市住房管理部在住房录取、申请或雇佣的计划和活动过程中,不基于种族、性别、肤色、宗教信仰、婚否、出生地、年龄、是否怀孕、残疾状况、祖籍或性取向进行歧视。以下职位的任命符合“住房与城市开发实施部”第
Pathways at North Loop: 2300 W North Loop Blvd., Austin, TX 78756 Booker T. Washington Terraces: 905 Bedford St., Austin, TX 78702 Meadowbrook: 1201 W Live Oak St. Austin, TX 78702 Nếu quý vị muốn nộp đơn xin gia cư tại bất kỳ khu cư xá nào trong số này, vui
패스웨이스 @ 노스 루프 아파트 (North Loop Apartments): 2300 W North Loop Blvd., Austin, TX 78756 메도우브룩 아파트 (Booker T. Washington Terraces): 905 Bedford Ave., Austin, TX 78702 Meadowbrook Apartments: 1201 W. Live Oak St. Austin, TX 78702 이들 어느 부동산 건물의 매입신청에 관심이 있으실 경우, 웹사이트 www.hacaapply.org를 방문하시기 바랍니다.
Pathways at North Loop Apartments: 2300 W. North Loop Blvd., Austin, TX 78756 Booker T. Washington Terraces: 905 Bedford St., Austin, TX 78702 Meadowbrook Apartments: 1201 W. Live Oak St., Austin, TX 78702 If you are interested in applying for any of these properties, please visit Each property currently
The Housing Authority of the City of Austin reopened its Public Housing One-Bedroom waiting list effective July 20, 2016. The waiting lists for all other bedroom sizes (two, three, four, and five bedrooms) are currently open and will remain open until further notice. Individuals interested in applying for public housing
The Housing Authority of the City of Austin requested public comment on our Proposed Flat Rent Schedule and Proposed Ceiling Rent Schedule for all public housing units. The HACA Board of Commissioners voted on the adoption of the proposed schedules on October 21, 2016. Flat Rent Schedule 1-1-2017 - Developments
Due to high demand for public and affordable housing in the Austin community, the Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) has received a high volume of applications for placement on the public housing waiting list at HACA properties. Due to estimated wait times greater than 36 months, HACA
The Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) posted for public comment the proposed change to the HCV Administrative Plan. This change allows HACA to use Housing Choice Vouchers when rehabilitation work related to the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) would require relocation of more than six months. The HACA
The Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) posted for public comment the proposed change to the Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy. This change allows HACA to use Housing Choice Vouchers when rehabilitation work related to the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) would require relocation of more than six months. The
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