504 Coordinator for Low Income Housing Department
Compliance Analyst
(512) 477-4488
504 Coordinator for HCV:
VP of Assisted Housing
(512) 477-4488 ext. 1300
504 Coordinator for Admissions:
Admissions Director
(512) 477-4488 ext. 1401
Federal and state laws provide that qualified individuals with disabilities shall not be discriminated against and shall be assured an equal opportunity to participate in the housing programs, activities, and services offered by the Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA).
If you are disabled and wish to request a reasonable accommodation or if you have difficulty understanding English, please request HACA’s assistance, and we will ensure that you are provided with meaningful access based on your individual needs.
If you or another household member are a qualified person with a disability, you have the right and opportunity to request a reasonable accommodation or reasonable modification at any time during your participation in HACA programs.
Some examples of reasonable accommodations or modifications:
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If you need to reach a landlord specialist, landlord@hacanet.org.
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