The Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program is a tool provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to public housing agencies like HACA make upgrades to housing properties and improve residents’ lives.
The RAD program is designed so that HACA will receive the same amount of funding from the federal government as it has for traditional public housing subsidies. The RAD program will have no impact on local taxes. The current federal funding for public housing is converted to what is known as a project-based rental assistance (PBRA). HACA will have control of its properties and can use this funding to finance the improvements they need. For individual residents, the process is transparent; they will see little difference in their financial requirements (rent and utilities), and their eligibility for public housing is protected.
PROTECTIONS: Every resident has the right to stay in assisted housing and return to an upgraded unit in their original property. Rents will still be based on 30% of adjusted household income, and no current resident has to reapply to stay at the property. HACA will maintain a high level of services to its residents.
IMPROVEMENTS: Every property will receive some improvements, and many units will be thoroughly upgraded, modernized, and made more energy-efficient. Residents will have a voice in planning these improvements. Check out HACA’s Flikr account for photos of RAD construction.
CHOICES: Residents in the RAD program can apply to live at the specific HACA properties of their choice. Residents who remain at the same RAD property for two years will be placed on the Housing Choice Voucher waitlist that will allow them to seek housing in the private rental market.
The Resident Protection Team (RPT) was formed by HACA to provide personalized support and to ease resident anxiety throughout the relocation process. RPT partners including Communities In Schools, Boys & Girls Clubs, Austin Independent School District, Meals on Wheels, Austin Energy, Google Fiber, the U.S. Postal Service work together to ensure residents are engaged and feel empowered as HACA moves forward with the modernization of its properties.
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) requires tax credit properties that accept electronic applications to post their Tenant Selection Plan (TSP), Reasonable Accommodation Policy, and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Notice of Occupancy Rights/Certification online for the public. For HACA, the properties that fall under these categories are Gaston Place, Georgian Manor, Manchaca Village, Northgate, Northloop, and Shadowbend. READ MORE
One of the provisions of the RAD program is choice mobility. Choice mobility gives families living at a RAD property the opportunity to request a Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and move into the private rental market with voucher assistance.
To be eligible, residents must meet two criteria:
1. The family must live at the converted property for two years. (The time lived at the property before the conversion date does not count toward the two years.)
2. The family must be in good standing. (ex. rent paid, not pending eviction, leaving no debt owed)
Residents who meet the eligibility requirements and who were living at the same property on December 1, 2016, can submit a Choice Mobility Voucher Application starting 12/3/2018. Applications submitted before this date will not be accepted.
Residents who moved into the property after December 1, 2016 can submit an application once they have lived at the property for two years.
Your application should be submitted to your property manager. The property manager will confirm your eligibility and you will be placed on the waiting list. The Admissions Department will send you a letter confirming you are on the waitlist.
Families selected to receive a voucher must meet all eligibility requirements on the HCV Choice Mobility waiting list. If eligible, the family can use the voucher to find housing in the private rental market anywhere within HACA’s jurisdiction.
Choice Mobility families will also be eligible to exercise the HCV option of portability. This allows a family to use their voucher within the jurisdiction of any HCV agency in the United States.
For more information, contact your property manager or the HACA Admissions Department at (512) 477-4488. The full Choice Mobility Policy is also available at your management office.
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RAD is a new federal program designed to address the daunting cost of maintaining and upgrading aging public housing across the United States. RAD is a voluntary program of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). RAD provides agencies such as the Housing Authority of the City of Austin...
RAD is a new federal program designed to address the daunting cost of maintaining and upgrading aging public housing across the United States. RAD is a voluntary program of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). RAD provides agencies such as the Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA), with access to stable funding they can use to preserve and upgrade their properties and improve their residents’ lives.
Public housing units across the country need more than $26 billion in repairs and upgrades. Over the past several years, Congress has not provided adequate funding to public housing agencies to maintain their properties in good condition, let alone tackle this backlog of needed repairs. As a result, agencies like...
Public housing units across the country need more than $26 billion in repairs and upgrades. Over the past several years, Congress has not provided adequate funding to public housing agencies to maintain their properties in good condition, let alone tackle this backlog of needed repairs. As a result, agencies like HACA have had to make difficult decisions when allocating their scarce resources. Federal funding reductions to HACA have resulted in the loss of millions of dollars over the last five years that could have been used to preserve and improve Austin’s public housing. RAD will give HACA and other agencies control and access to funds that aren’t subject to Congressional budget politics.
– Residents will see improvements to the quality of their housing and their community. – Each property will see different kinds of improvements, ranging from moderate upgrades to the full renovation of apartments, depending on the needs of the property. – Residents will continue to pay 30% of their adjusted...
– Residents will see improvements to the quality of their housing and their community.
– Each property will see different kinds of improvements, ranging from moderate upgrades to the full renovation of apartments, depending on the needs of the property.
– Residents will continue to pay 30% of their adjusted income toward rent.
– Requalification or rescreening will not be required.
– Newly renovated units will continue to serve as affordable housing.
– Residents whose units will be renovated are guaranteed the chance to return to their property.
– Residents will benefit from renovations and upgrades, including Energy Star appliances, central air conditioning, new finishes, and a highly energy efficient building structure that reduces their utility costs. In addition, some properties will see improvements to community rooms and common areas.
– Residents will have an active role in planning the improvements at each property to ensure their needs are being met.
– Residents will have more opportunities going forward to choose where they want to live.
– Existing services to residents (such as FSS) will be maintained.
– HACA will work with all residents throughout the process to make sure RAD is a success for everyone.
– HACA will provide in-depth, ongoing communications to all residents during the transition.
HACA will be implementing RAD in several phases based on the needs associated with each property and its residents. Full schedules are not available yet. HACA will communicate closely with residents throughout the RAD process to make sure it’s a success for everyone. Continue to visit this website or speak...
HACA will be implementing RAD in several phases based on the needs associated with each property and its residents. Full schedules are not available yet. HACA will communicate closely with residents throughout the RAD process to make sure it’s a success for everyone. Continue to visit this website or speak with your property manager to find out the most up-to-date information.
Residents will have a voice in planning the improvements to be made as part of RAD. HACA will work with all residents, both individually and at resident meetings at each property, to make sure they are provided with detailed information regarding their specific properties and circumstances.
Residents will have a voice in planning the improvements to be made as part of RAD. HACA will work with all residents, both individually and at resident meetings at each property, to make sure they are provided with detailed information regarding their specific properties and circumstances.
HACA hopes to limit resident inconvenience due to construction. If major renovations are necessary, you will have to vacate for your own comfort and safety while that work is being done. HACA will provide moving and packing options available to you when you are notified of the need to relocate....
HACA hopes to limit resident inconvenience due to construction. If major renovations are necessary, you will have to vacate for your own comfort and safety while that work is being done. HACA will provide moving and packing options available to you when you are notified of the need to relocate. HACA is responsible for moving and storage costs — a list of allowable expenses will be provided. Every effort will be made to accommodate all resident needs.
The RAD program requires that you have the right to return to your property once construction is complete, in accordance with HACA occupancy standards. However, the same unit may not be guaranteed due to the needs of other residents. In addition, some residents may decide to stay in their temporary...
The RAD program requires that you have the right to return to your property once construction is complete, in accordance with HACA occupancy standards. However, the same unit may not be guaranteed due to the needs of other residents. In addition, some residents may decide to stay in their temporary unit.
Most temporary moves will be very brief — sometimes as short as one day or a few weeks. If longer relocation periods are required due to extensive renovations, we expect residents to return to a renovated unit within 18 months.
Most temporary moves will be very brief — sometimes as short as one day or a few weeks. If longer relocation periods are required due to extensive renovations, we expect residents to return to a renovated unit within 18 months.
Yes. Under the program rules for RAD, residents will have a right to organize and resident organizations will continue to receive resident participation funds.
Yes. Under the program rules for RAD, residents will have a right to organize and resident organizations will continue to receive resident participation funds.
You may continue your participation in the FSS program until your current contract of participation ends.
You may continue your participation in the FSS program until your current contract of participation ends.
The assistance provided under the RAD program does not require community service.
The assistance provided under the RAD program does not require community service.
Your rent contribution will most likely be the same as it is now — generally no more than 30 percent of your household’s adjusted gross income. Most residents will not have rent increases as a result of RAD. However, in certain circumstances like flat rent, you may see a modest...
Your rent contribution will most likely be the same as it is now — generally no more than 30 percent of your household’s adjusted gross income. Most residents will not have rent increases as a result of RAD. However, in certain circumstances like flat rent, you may see a modest increase in your rent. Please speak to your property manager about your specific situation.
No. You will not be rescreened as part of the RAD process.
No. You will not be rescreened as part of the RAD process.
You will not be rescreened as part of the RAD process. In-place tenants will not need to have their income eligibility re-determined. In addition, if you are temporarily displaced due to renovations, you will not be rescreened when you return to your property.
You will not be rescreened as part of the RAD process. In-place tenants will not need to have their income eligibility re-determined. In addition, if you are temporarily displaced due to renovations, you will not be rescreened when you return to your property.
Yes. Website address is This will be updated as we have more information.
Yes. Website address is This will be updated as we have more information.
HACA will conduct a series of meetings and communication efforts in which all residents will be provided with detailed information regarding their specific circumstances. HACA has also created a Tenant Protection Team to help assist the agency and its residents through the RAD conversion. The team is responsible for ensuring...
HACA will conduct a series of meetings and communication efforts in which all residents will be provided with detailed information regarding their specific circumstances. HACA has also created a Tenant Protection Team to help assist the agency and its residents through the RAD conversion. The team is responsible for ensuring residents are well informed, engaged and protected through the process.
You can pay your rent at the management office where you are temporarily living or at any public housing management office. Specially trained HACA representatives will guide you through this process.
You can pay your rent at the management office where you are temporarily living or at any public housing management office. Specially trained HACA representatives will guide you through this process.
HACA will continue recognizing security deposit amounts that have been previously paid by tenants who are in-place at the time of the RAD conversion.
HACA will continue recognizing security deposit amounts that have been previously paid by tenants who are in-place at the time of the RAD conversion.
These households will be transferred to appropriately sized units when an appropriate sized unit becomes available. HACA intends to transfer as many families in need prior to the RAD conversion. If the transfer is offered before the conversion to RAD, the resident may be offered a unit at any of...
These households will be transferred to appropriately sized units when an appropriate sized unit becomes available. HACA intends to transfer as many families in need prior to the RAD conversion. If the transfer is offered before the conversion to RAD, the resident may be offered a unit at any of our 18 properties. If the transfer is offered after conversion to RAD, the resident will be offered a unit only at their current property.
HACA will provide moving and packing options when you receive your 30-Day Temporary Move Notice. HACA is responsible for allowable moving and storage expenses. A list of allowable expenses will be provided. Moving and packing assistance is available only for moves that are directly related to temporary relocation. If a family is...
HACA will provide moving and packing options when you receive your 30-Day Temporary Move Notice. HACA is responsible for allowable moving and storage expenses. A list of allowable expenses will be provided. Moving and packing assistance is available only for moves that are directly related to temporary relocation. If a family is transferred to another unit or moves off the property, the family is responsible for all moving costs.
Specific moving options will be discussed with you prior to your move. Every effort will be made to accommodate all resident needs.
Specific moving options will be discussed with you prior to your move. Every effort will be made to accommodate all resident needs.
HACA will communicate with the various school districts and will work with families to provide assistance as needed during temporary relocation.
HACA will communicate with the various school districts and will work with families to provide assistance as needed during temporary relocation.
Specially trained HACA personnel will discuss all such matters prior to your move.
Specially trained HACA personnel will discuss all such matters prior to your move.
Yes. A family may voluntarily waive its right to return.
Yes. A family may voluntarily waive its right to return.
HACA will work with families to find a place that will accept pets or to find an appropriate alternative that will allow for the care of your pet during the temporary relocation.
HACA will work with families to find a place that will accept pets or to find an appropriate alternative that will allow for the care of your pet during the temporary relocation.
If the person has telephone, cable service, or Internet access at the displacement unit, HACA will reimburse the person for the cost involved in transferring existing service, if any (not the monthly service cost). HACA will provide information explaining the process to make these changes. In most cases, the tenant...
If the person has telephone, cable service, or Internet access at the displacement unit, HACA will reimburse the person for the cost involved in transferring existing service, if any (not the monthly service cost). HACA will provide information explaining the process to make these changes. In most cases, the tenant must call to transfer all service. However, HACA will be available to assist with completion of any necessary paperwork. HACA is responsible for transferring electric/gas utilities.
HACA will continue to reach out to all residents and provide more specific points of contact as we move forward. The most up-to-date RAD information can be found at You may also call the RAD Hotline at 1-(844) HACA-RAD (422-2723) or email us at
HACA will continue to reach out to all residents and provide more specific points of contact as we move forward. The most up-to-date RAD information can be found at You may also call the RAD Hotline at 1-(844) HACA-RAD (422-2723) or email us at
PBRA does not grant EID. All families pay 30 percent of their adjusted income. If you are currently receiving EID, you will be allowed to continue to receive it until either you have exhausted the EID time available to you; or you have a break in your employment.
PBRA does not grant EID. All families pay 30 percent of their adjusted income. If you are currently receiving EID, you will be allowed to continue to receive it until either you have exhausted the EID time available to you; or you have a break in your employment.
If you would like to get on the public housing transfer list, please speak with your property manager to request the transfer or complete an application. You will need to provide documentation of the need for a transfer. The full transfer policy can be found in your ACOP. If you’re...
If you would like to get on the public housing transfer list, please speak with your property manager to request the transfer or complete an application. You will need to provide documentation of the need for a transfer. The full transfer policy can be found in your ACOP. If you’re already on the transfer list, and you are offered a transfer before conversion to RAD, you could be transferred to any of HACA’s 18 properties, including your current property. Once HACA converts to RAD, you can only be transferred to a different unit at your current property. If you wish to move to a specific property, after July 20, 2016 you can apply to that property and be placed on the waiting list.
HACA will continue to provide assistance with your utility bills. Families that are living at another Public Housing property during their relocation time will continue to recieve the utility allowance.
HACA will continue to provide assistance with your utility bills. Families that are living at another Public Housing property during their relocation time will continue to recieve the utility allowance.
If funds allow, HACA will attempt to add these amenities. Each property is different. As part of the rehabilitation or renovation work at any property, ceiling fans, washers and dryers may be a possibility. Please continue to participate in the ongoing meetings and discussions during the planning phase for your...
If funds allow, HACA will attempt to add these amenities. Each property is different.
As part of the rehabilitation or renovation work at any property, ceiling fans, washers and dryers may be a possibility. Please continue to participate in the ongoing meetings and discussions during the planning phase for your property.
Please note that in some HACA properties it is not currently possible to have ceiling fans due to the location of fire prevention systems. Please speak with your property manager to find out if your property currently allows you to have a ceiling fan, washer or dryer.
No. RAD will allow HACA to preserve and improve the existing 1,839 units of affordable public housing in Austin for at least the next 40 years. While HACA may add affordable units, these units will not be subsidized and will not be considered “public housing.”
No. RAD will allow HACA to preserve and improve the existing 1,839 units of affordable public housing in Austin for at least the next 40 years. While HACA may add affordable units, these units will not be subsidized and will not be considered “public housing.”
Each property is different with different needs. Some properties can be renovated and others may need to be rebuilt. A cost/benefit analysis will be conducted for each property. HACA is nearing the end of the planning for the first nine properties and there are no plans to completely demolish and...
Each property is different with different needs. Some properties can be renovated and others may need to be rebuilt. A cost/benefit analysis will be conducted for each property.
HACA is nearing the end of the planning for the first nine properties and there are no plans to completely demolish and rebuild any of these properties.
HACA is just beginning the planning for the second nine properties. As we begin that work, we are considering all options. For many of these properties, a demolition and rebuild would not be necessary as they are in good condition and have recent upgrades. For other properties, HACA will consider all options, including the possibility of rebuilding. Please continue to participate in the meetings at your property to have the most current information. Your input on the needs at your property are extremely important to HACA.
Yes. With the funding that each property will receive as a result of RAD, HACA will be making more units accessible for residents that need certain physical accommodations. The number of additional accessible units will vary from property to property.
Yes. With the funding that each property will receive as a result of RAD, HACA will be making more units accessible for residents that need certain physical accommodations. The number of additional accessible units will vary from property to property.
As a result of RAD, all residents will have the opportunity to request a Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) after two years residing at the same RAD property. The HCV department will do their best to help you and your family find a home. However, it is important to note that...
As a result of RAD, all residents will have the opportunity to request a Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) after two years residing at the same RAD property. The HCV department will do their best to help you and your family find a home. However, it is important to note that a main focus of the HCV program is to give families a choice on where they want to live. It will be important for each family to take ownership of that process and use the information provided by HACA to determine the best place for your family. HACA will announce how to apply as we get closer to the two-year time frame.
There is no preference for longtime HACA residents. When applying for housing at another HACA property, families should review the preferences for that property. With regard to the Choice Mobility option to receive a HCV voucher, there is no preference based on length in housing, however HACA resident families are...
There is no preference for longtime HACA residents. When applying for housing at another HACA property, families should review the preferences for that property. With regard to the Choice Mobility option to receive a HCV voucher, there is no preference based on length in housing, however HACA resident families are the only ones who have the option to request the voucher in this way.
The Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) program has very similar rules to Public Housing. However, since it is a different program there are some rules that are different and these differences may affect you or your rent. Below is a summary of those differences: FLAT & CEILING RENT: There...
The Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) program has very similar rules to Public Housing. However, since it is a different program there are some rules that are different and these differences may affect you or your rent. Below is a summary of those differences:
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